The best comic ever about a robotic Martin Lawrence flying a jet with Shia Labeouf to destroy a giant meteor. Also the only one.

Posts tagged “watchmen

The Slashers #43: Monsieur Cannibale

The Slashers: all about bromance and shit getting REAL.

The Slashers #42: Locky Luke

Fredschach is still watching the men.


That sounded slightly inappropriate.

The Slashers #30 Dr. Takes Manhattan

The Slashers #30 Dr. Takes Manhattan: Fool Fred one, shame on you. Fool Fred twice… what? You freakin’ arsehole!!!

The Slashers #29 Slashmen

The Slashers #29 Slashmen: Fredschach wants his face back, and he’s gonna get it.

The Slashers #3 More than meets the gouged eyeballs