The best comic ever about a robotic Martin Lawrence flying a jet with Shia Labeouf to destroy a giant meteor. Also the only one.

Posts tagged “video

The Slashers #39: But is he really dead? We’re not telling!! End…


The people who have played or heard about the old school horror video games with these characters should understand the comic. I apologize to all the others.

Dementium 2, Nintendo DS

Given my interest in writing comics about horror movies, and my video game passion, it should come as no surprise that I’m quite a big survival horror fan. I bought a DS not too long ago and the first games I picked up were Contra 4, since I’ve always had a soft spot for the old school stuff, and Dementium 2. It looked pretty fun, creepy and the graphics seemed mighty impressive for Nintendo’s little handheld. And I was not disapointed: while never being crap your pants scary, Dementium 2 is as creep as any game can hope to be on a handheld, the gameplay is great wih tight controls and fun weapons, and the story is deliberately ambiguous, and pretty fun, even though you might have to stop and think about the ending for a while, or you’ll probably find it lame the first time.

Basically, you play William Redmoore, a crazy dude in a mental hospital who’s suspected of the murder of his wife and daughter,and you’re never quite sure if what’s happening is in your head or not, and if you really did kill your family. The atmosphere is probably the best thing about the game. The environments and ennemies are just varied enough to stay fresh, and there’s always an aura of hopelessness everywhere you go.

However, the game is very short. I beat it in 4 hours the first time, and 3 the second. There’s an arena like survival mode you can unlock, and one or two weapons that require some exploration to find, but most of the game is fairly straightforward with simple puzzles, and the replay value isn’t really through the roof. And while the game generally sounds great, the cheesy horror music that plays when creatures are near you gets repetitive and loops a little too quickly.

However, these flaws are vastly overshadowed by the good parts. Where’s the rule saying a game has to clock in at 40 hours of game time to be good? When enjoyed for the thrill ride that it is, Dementium 2 is one hell of a fun, creepy and mightily impressive game, and it stands as one of the best horror and FPS game on the system.


8-bit Slashers

Here is a t-shirt design, which you can buy on and its animated counterpart!