The best comic ever about a robotic Martin Lawrence flying a jet with Shia Labeouf to destroy a giant meteor. Also the only one.

Archive for July 1, 2010

The Slashers #9 Holloween

The Slashers #8 Friday on Elm Street

The Slashers #7 Nightmare on Crystal Lake

The Slashers #6 The Wizard of Gore

The Slashers #5 Slasha’ Hata’

The Slashers #4 You got a friend in me

The Slashers #3 More than meets the gouged eyeballs

The Slashers #2 Rebootimaginake

The Slashers #1

The Slashers get their own website!

… aaaaaand it doesn’t look like much right now. I’m still very new to this, and I gotta learn how everything works before the site is something worth seeing. Anyways, I hope you guys and girls will enjoy the website, I’ll soon post all of the comics and perhaps something more!

Slashamania is Runnin' Wild!

Be patient, say your prayers and eat your vitamins my little Slashamaniacs!